Events Diary

  • Saturday 30th November 2024
    • 10:00am

      Christmas Fair

      This year`s Christmas Fair will take place on 25th November from 10.00 a.m. until 2.00 p.m at the Methodist Church Centre.

      Refreshments including tea, coffee with biscuits and cakes available throughout. Bacon butties available from 10.00 a.m.,  soup and a roll from 12.00 noon.  There will be many stalls including cakes, jewellery. books, jigsaws, prize every time, preserves, grannies attic and more.

      There will also be a raffle to be drawn at the end of the event.

      Please come and join us, all welcome.

  • Saturday 14th - Sunday 15th December 2024
    • 10:17am

      Christmas Wreath Festival

      Come and visit our Christmas Wreath Festival in the church.  This will take place over the weekend of 14th/15th December.  Refreshments will be available in the church hall.

Girls' Brigade fun in the kitchen

Girls' Brigade fun in the kitchen